I was editing my blog today and testing out a new plugin for me called Subscribe Remind. It automatically adds a small insert of text kindly reminding the user to subscribe to your blog. However, whilst it did add the supplied text to each post, it could be seen on every individual post on the homepage. Scrolling through your homepage with the same line of text every couple of lines did not look very professional at all. To fix it, a small change to the code was needed.
Here’s how you do it:
1. Open up subscribe-remind.php in your text editor.
2. Find the line ” if ( !is_feed() && !is_page() ) ” and add ” && !is_home() ” (without the quote) so that it looks like this:
if ( !is_feed() && !is_page() && !is_home() )
3. Save the file and reupload it to your /wp-content/plugins/subscribe-remind directory.
4. Refresh the homepage and that’s it!
Hope this tip was helpful. Let me know.
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