Cracked Cymbals Guitar Hero World Tour
You’re probably sick of hearing about Guitar Hero World Tour but I’ve just discovered a major flaw. Take a look at this picture:

See those fine lines on the cymbals? They’re hairline cracks and will probably get worse after more drum playing. I know this drum kit is inexpensive to most of those on the market, but I would expect something better from Activision. Looks like I’m in need of new drum kit as these cymbals are cracked and my red drum pad is still not working correctly even after tuning it.
To all those of you who own World Tour drum kits, i suggest you unscrew your cymbals and check them for cracks. I’ve heard other people have their cymbals completely split in half! If you’ve got the Guitar Hero World Tour drum kit, I’d like to know what condition it’s in and whether or not cracks have developed under the cymbals.
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December 12th, 2008 at 4:27 am
Yikes. That just wasn’t built to last. But I can imagine how people might miss that, or not notice until it’s too late.
December 17th, 2008 at 4:48 am
Yes, I didn’t realize the cracks myself until I decided to swap the cymbals around. This kit will be going back to the shop.