Reset Windows Vista Password

Posted by: pctutorials  :  Category: Windows

Have you forgotten your Windows Vista account password? If you didn't create a Vista password reset disk, you still have another option. Trinity Rescue Kit is a small Linux distribution (~100MB) that has the capability of clearing your forgotten password. I've used it and it works perfectly.  Here's how to clear your password:

Trinity Rescue Kit Method

  1. Download Trinity Rescue Kit, and burn it to a CD/DVD. .
  2. Boot from the Disc
  3. Boot TRK normally. You will then reach a command line.
  4. Type 'winpass -u Administrator' or instead of Administrator, your user account name at the command prompt.
  5. You will then see Searching and mounting all file system on local machine
  6. Windows NT/2K/XP installation(s) found in: /sda1/Windows Make your choice or ‘q’ to quit [1]:
  7. Press '1' to clear password.
  8. Restart, or if you want, type 'init 0' then power on again, without the disc, and boot into Windows.

Your user account will now have no password on it and you'll be able to log into windows. Thanks to for providing information about the Trinity Rescue Kit. 

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