Part 1: The Importance of Backups

Posted by: pctutorials  :  Category: Security

This is one of the most common failures today of computer users; they neglect backing up crucial data. Why is society like this? Because everyone expects a computer to work without fail, first time and every time. However a PC is like any other piece of equipment, eventually it will fail. There are various methods of backing up data, some better than others depending on the situation. Let’s take a look at each method.

Always connected – Pros- Backup of the data can be achieved easily just as restoring would be too.

Cons- Backup data will render useless if a natural disaster occurs such as a fire or flood. If the backup medium is a hard disk, the mechanical wear will shorten the life span of the backup. The backup medium can be easily taken physically or digitally.


Storing it near the computer, but inactive – Pros- Backup data cannot be stolen digitally. Data is still relatively easy to access. Less usage means less wear on the drive.

Cons- The backup is still prone to natural disaster.


Storing the (physical) backup off-site – Pros – Much better security than the above two options. The backup medium is safe from natural disaster in the one area.

Cons- The backup location is not as convenient as being always connected or stored next to the computer.


Use no physical media: store the backup to a remote internet site – Pros – It can be the most convenient option if a fast internet connection is used. Information is encrypted and is secure both digitally and physically. The remote location makes it the best choice for disaster resistance.

Cons- The cost of a high speed internet connection.


Most home users today have their backup either always connected or stored near the computer, but inactive. The reason for this is because it’s convenient. Businesses however need a solution where security is top priority. Such that the latter two options from above are a common choice. No doubt any backup is better than not having one at all!

That’s enough for one article. In part 2, we’ll discuss different backup media and which one works best for the job.

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